

24 05月
作者:妙清自牧|分类:生活|标签:学习 生活 人生 工作


那位负责人,收入颇为可观,然而其性格却带着几分孤僻与自傲,是一位 90 后的人。这种独特的性格特点,或许反映了他内心的某种缺失或不平衡。







Last night, I stepped into a mysterious and strange dream journey. In the dream, the person in charge of the information department of that place institution, because of my matters related to the work, his emotions burst out like surging waves, lost his temper greatly, and also said some not very decent words.

This dream is like a key, opening the door to my in-depth thinking about the complexity of human nature.

That person, with considerable income, however, his personality has a bit of loneliness and arrogance, and he is a person of the post-90s. This unique personality trait perhaps reflects some kind of lack or imbalance in his heart.

The words in the Diamond Sutra say, "All conditioned dharmas are like dreams, illusions, and bubbles." This wise proverb tells us that everything in life is like illusory bubbles. The excited performance in this dream may just be a kind of illusory presentation, and it does not necessarily fully represent his true inner world. However, this dream has triggered my deep thinking about human nature.

What is mentioned in the Heart Sutra is, "See through the nature of all five aggregates to be empty, and cross over all sufferings and miseries." This sentence reminds us to see through the essence through the phenomenon and realize the emptiness of all things. In the face of the complexity and variability of human nature, we should keep a calm heart and not be confused by the external appearance.

This dream also prompted me to reflect on my performance in related work. Perhaps it is because I have not done perfectly in some aspects that it has caused his dissatisfaction. This makes me understand that in life, we cannot only focus on ourselves, but also need to consider the feelings and needs of others.

Human nature is complex and multifaceted, with both the kind and tolerant side and the selfish and narrow side. In real life, we will encounter various kinds of people, whose personalities and behaviors are different. We should not easily judge and blame others for their actions, but try to understand their situation and inner world.

Finally, what I want to say is that whether in this strange dream or in the real journey of life, we all need to face the complexity of human nature with a peaceful state of mind. Through understanding the wisdom of Buddhism, we can better understand ourselves and others, thus achieving inner peace and liberation.

"There is knowledge in understanding the world, and writing is in understanding human feelings." I hope on the road of life, we can see through the truth of the world, understand the delicacy of human feelings, and write our own wonderful chapters.

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致妙清:梦境与现实的禅悟 致妙清:探望同事之感悟


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