在爱好方面,坚持了一年的成都街巷摄影让我收获颇丰。我用镜头捕捉成都的美食美景,将这座城市的独特魅力分享给更多的人。通过摄影,我结识了许多志同道合的朋友,其中收获最大的,便是成为我特殊病人的朋友汤老师。他的那句话:“胡嬷嬷你记住,一切恨,根本都是源自于对自我的不接纳,对自我的不慈悲,每当恨意来袭,允许不甘和崩溃情绪的直接呈现,并且带着觉知跟它待在一起,接纳它,观察它,允许它的存在,最后,让它穿过你的身体,实现能量的流动,实现与之和平共处。” 至今仍萦绕在我的心头,让我在面对生活的挫折和困难时,能够保持平和的心态,学会接纳和包容。
展望未来的 2025 年,蛇年即将来临,我充满期待。我希望能在工作上继续精进,为更多的人提供帮助;在生活中,更加关爱家人朋友,传递温暖与爱;在个人成长上,不断修炼内心,提升自己的境界。“路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。”我深知未来的道路或许充满挑战,但我将坚定信念,勇往直前。
"New Year Review and Outlook: Embracing the Future in Growth"
During the Spring Festival, everything is renewed. At this moment full of hope and vitality, looking back on the past year, my heart is filled with countless emotions.
In the past year, my work mainly focused on hardware. For more than half a year, I was traveling to various nursing homes in the surrounding areas to carry out hardware work related to physical examinations. This was a hard but meaningful journey. Every morning, I set off facing the rising sun and returned exhausted. However, whenever I saw the smiles on the faces of those elderly people because of our services and heard their sincere thanks, all the hardships turned into inner satisfaction and warmth. During this process, what I gained was not only the recognition of others but also many sincere hearts. Once, I might have felt lonely, but this experience made me understand that by giving love, one can receive love, and the value of life is manifested in dedication.
Especially the free medical consultation experience in Anyue County is still vivid in my mind. The anticipation and trust in the eyes of the elderly there made me feel a great responsibility. And after returning from Anyue County and working in Renshou County, the meticulous care from my colleagues moved me to tears. At that moment, I truly understood the true meaning of treating others with one's heart. It turns out that when we treat others with our hearts, others will also give us the same warmth in return.
In life, I also made efforts to change. In the past, perhaps due to the busy work, I neglected the feelings of my family, especially my mother-in-law, and cared insufficiently for her. But this year, I paid more attention to the inner needs of my mother-in-law, often went home to visit and accompanied her through warm moments. In these accompaniments, I not only enhanced my relationship with my family but also made my heart more fulfilled and peaceful. In a trance, I found that my pattern was also slowly opening up. I no longer limited myself to personal gains and losses but understood better to cherish the people and things around me and the happiness brought by caring for others.
In terms of hobbies, the one-year persistence in photography of the streets and alleys of Chengdu has brought me rich rewards. I used the camera to capture the delicious food and beautiful scenery of Chengdu and shared the unique charm of this city with more people. Through photography, I met many like-minded friends, and the greatest gain was Teacher Tang, who became a friend of my special patient. His words: "Hu Mama, remember that all hatred fundamentally stems from the non-acceptance of oneself and the lack of compassion for oneself. Whenever hatred strikes, allow the direct presentation of reluctance and breakdown emotions, and stay with it with awareness, accept it, observe it, allow its existence, and finally, let it pass through your body to realize the flow of energy and achieve peaceful coexistence with it." still linger in my mind, enabling me to maintain a peaceful state of mind and learn to accept and tolerate when facing setbacks and difficulties in life.
Just as it is said in the "Heart Sutra": "The mind is free from hindrances. There is no terror." In the past year, I tried to let go of the obsession and worry in my heart and faced the ups and downs of life with a more calm attitude. In the "Diamond Sutra", it is also said: "One should not abide anywhere and give rise to the mind." I no longer cling to the troubles and pains of the past but focus on the present and feel the beauty of every moment with my heart.
Looking forward to the future of 2025, the Year of the Snake is coming. I am full of expectations. I hope to continue to improve at work and provide help to more people; in life, care more about family and friends and convey warmth and love; in personal growth, constantly cultivate my heart and improve my realm. "The road ahead is long; I see no ending, yet high and low I'll search with my will unbending." I know that the road ahead may be full of challenges, but I will firm my belief and forge ahead bravely.
May the new year be a year of good weather, national peace and people's security. May we all continue to grow in the long river of time, harvest happiness and greet every gift of life with a more calm attitude.

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