

14 10月
作者:妙清自牧|分类:工作|标签:生活 人生 工作 摄影



那位步行两公里前来的 102 岁大爷,更是让我热泪盈眶。他牙口不好,眼睛和听力还算可以,但他那蹒跚的步伐和沧桑的面容,仿佛在诉说着一生的艰辛。看到他,我不禁想到,中国政府在某些方面或许真的对不起他们,没有给予他们足够完善的保障,让他们在困境面前如此无助。









"The Touch and Reflection from the Rural Trip"

Today's experience in the rural area of Anyue has left my heart unable to be calm for a long time. The feelings of being moved and heavy are intertwined in my heart.

Here, I deeply felt the greatness of Chinese farmers. They toil on the land, making silent contributions to the country's food security and social stability. However, the benefits and safeguards given to them by the country seem far from enough compared to their efforts. Most of them often choose to endure and bear when facing difficulties. They carry small problems and drag out big ones, trying to get through if they can. This helpless reality is heart-wrenching.

The 102-year-old grandpa who walked two kilometers to come here moved me to tears. His teeth are not good, but his eyes and hearing are still okay. However, his staggering steps and weathered face seemed to tell the hardships of his entire life. Seeing him, I couldn't help but think that perhaps the Chinese government is really indebted to them in some aspects, not providing them with sufficient and perfect safeguards, leaving them so helpless in the face of predicaments.

However, even though life is so difficult, they possess a mentality of looking down on everything. This mentality reminds me of the words in the "Heart Sutra": "With no attachments, because of no attachments, there is no terror." They don't complain too much about the injustice of life and don't make excessive demands on the government. They just bear it silently and face the hardships of life with a peaceful heart.

In the "Diamond Sutra", it is said, "All conditioned phenomena are like a dream, an illusion, a bubble, and a shadow. They are like dew and lightning, and should be regarded thus." The lives of farmers may be full of hardships and difficulties, but they are not bound by these external appearances. Instead, they view the ups and downs of life with a transcendent attitude. They understand that the hardships in life are like illusions and bubbles, fleeting in an instant. Only the inner peace and tenacity are eternal.

In this prosperous era, we often chase after material abundance and the enjoyment of life, but overlook those farmers who silently contribute in the corners. They provide us with food and the most basic living guarantees, but cannot enjoy the benefits and treatments matching their contributions. We enjoy advanced services in the high-rise buildings of the cities, while they have to endure all kinds of torments in the remote villages.

This experience, although it may not fundamentally change their living conditions, can at least bring them a glimmer of warmth and care. However, this is far from enough. What we need is the attention and efforts of the entire society, as well as more powerful policy support and resource investment from the government.

We cannot let the farmers' contributions become a forgotten sacrifice, nor can we let them struggle alone in poverty and predicaments. We should call on the government to increase the construction of rural infrastructure and improve the guarantee level for farmers, so that every farmer can lead a better life.

At the same time, we should also start from ourselves, pay attention to rural development, and provide more help and support for farmers. Maybe it's just a simple donation, maybe it's just a voluntary labor, or maybe it's just a sincere companionship. But these small actions, when accumulated, may become a huge force to change their lives.

In the days to come, I hope to see more people go into the countryside and pay attention to the lives of farmers. I hope to see the conditions in rural areas greatly improved, and farmers no longer worry about various difficulties. I hope to see every farmer lead a healthy and happy life because they deserve all of this.

Let's work together for the happiness of farmers, for social fairness, and for a better future.

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