

08 10月
作者:妙清自牧|分类:生活|标签:生活 人生 摄影













"Insights from Strolling in Yang Shengan Memorial Temple"

Yesterday morning, I was strolling leisurely in Yang Shengan Memorial Temple. Originally, I was seeking a sense of tranquility and the precipitation of history, but unexpectedly encountered a special mother and son.

It was a mentally handicapped child. His hand was distorted, he walked with a limp, and his speech was also unclear. His mother was assisting him carefully beside him, with eyes full of love and patience.

Seeing this scene, at first, sympathy welled up in my heart. However, upon further reflection, I had a completely different perception. I discovered that this mentally handicapped child might be the happiest person in the world.

He didn't have the sophistication of human relationships that troubles us ordinary people. In our lives, in order to maintain various relationships, we often have to wear false masks, say insincere words, and our hearts are extremely tired. But he doesn't need to do so. His world is simple and direct.

He also didn't have the troubles of disputes over interests. In the competition of society, we resort to all means, intrigue against each other for fame and fortune, and our souls are gradually eroded. But he has no idea about these struggles at all, and his soul remains initially pure.

Nor would he have the pain like I experienced at work, such as who becomes the department director and who gains the favor of the leader. This kind of workplace rivalry makes people anxious and lose themselves.

This reminds me of the words in the "Heart Sutra": "With no attachments, because of no attachments, there is no terror." The reason why we are distressed and troubled is precisely because there are too many concerns and obsessions in our hearts. But this mentally handicapped child, with his incomplete mental capacity, doesn't have these attachments, so he can live carefree.

In the "Diamond Sutra", it is said, "All conditioned phenomena are like a dream, an illusion, a bubble, and a shadow. They are like dew and lightning, and should be regarded thus." The fame and fortune we pursue are just passing clouds, fleeting and transient. But we often, for these illusory things, neglect the most real happiness in life.

Yang Shengan once wrote in his poem: "Right and wrong, success and failure turn empty in an instant. The green mountains still exist, and the setting sun glows several times." In the long river of history, no matter how many heroes and those who achieved great success, eventually all turned to dust. What can truly remain is the love for life and the perseverance of the true nature of humanity.

This mentally handicapped child, although he has intellectual and physical disabilities, in a special way, shows us the essence of life. His existence reminds us not to be confused by the disturbances of the secular world, but to cherish the present and return to the peace of our hearts.

In this complicated world, we are always chasing constantly but forget our initial dreams and true happiness. We should learn to let go of those unnecessary burdens and live simply and purely like this mentally handicapped child.

Perhaps, true happiness is not about having much wealth and power, but having a pure heart, a sincere love, and an infinite love for life. Let us maintain a sense of clarity in this noisy world, not be swayed by vanity and interests, and feel the beauty in every bit of life with our hearts.

May we all draw inspiration from this mentally handicapped child, find our own path to happiness, and let life bloom with the most real and brilliant light.

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国庆感悟:心向宁静,行在当下 致妙清:乡村之行的触动与思考


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