

10 07月
作者:妙清自牧|分类:生活|标签:生活 人生 工作


"Nowhere from, Nowhere to"

Yesterday morning, I set out on a business trip. After returning in the afternoon, feeling exhausted both physically and mentally, I asked for leave to rest and went to the long-famous Wangjiang Tower.

Entering the Wangjiang Tower Park, the first thing that came into view was the Xuetao Well. The marks of time were quietly engraved on the well brim, as if telling the stories of the past. Xue Tao, this talented woman, her poems were like the clear spring in the well, flowing long and refreshing. "The flowers are fading with the passing days, but the appointed date is still far away. I haven't met my true love, but only tied the knot of love in vain." Between the lines, it revealed her expectations and losses for the beautiful emotions, which made me sigh for her fate.

Then, I walked into the museum. All kinds of cultural relics displayed in the museum were quietly showing the vicissitudes of history. Each exhibit was like a silent narrator, telling me the past years.

Next, I climbed up the stairs and reached the Wangjiang Tower. Leaning against the railing and looking afar, the river wind blew on my face, and my thoughts also flew away. The surging river in front of me was just like the torrent of time, flowing away without return. Looking at the rushing river, I couldn't help thinking of Fugui in "To Live". He had gone through hardships throughout his life but always lived tenaciously. The sufferings of life were like the billows of this river, one wave after another, but Fugui never gave up the hope of life. His experience made me understand that the power of life lies in bearing, in persisting, and in moving forward with faith no matter how many storms one encounters.

At this moment, the poem of Xue Tao came to my mind again: "In the land of rivers at night, reeds are frosted. The moon is cold and the mountains are dim. Who says that a thousand miles separate us from tonight? The dream is as far as the distant frontier." The loneliness and desolation of Xue Tao were vividly displayed in this poem. She was like the reeds by the river, swaying alone in the wind and frost, but still adhered to the poetry and tenderness in her heart. And this kind of persistence is also a kind of resistance to fate.

Thinking of the words in the Diamond Sutra, "All phenomena are illusory. If one sees all phenomena as non-phenomena, one sees the Tathagata." and in the Heart Sutra, "Form does not differ from emptiness; emptiness does not differ from form. Form is exactly emptiness; emptiness is exactly form." made me think more deeply about the scene in front of me. The prosperity and desolation, life and death, gain and loss in this world might all be just appearances. We rush about in this earthly world, chasing after the so-called fame and fortune, but often ignore the tranquility and authenticity of our hearts. Just like this Wangjiang Tower, it has witnessed countless storms but still stands firm, not disturbed by the outside hustle and bustle.

Standing on this Wangjiang Tower, I realized the impermanence and constancy of life. The comings and goings in life are like the flowing water in the river, sometimes turbulent, sometimes gentle, but never stopping. We cannot predict what will happen in the future, nor can we hold onto the passing time, but we can grasp the present and cherish every moment.

Xue Tao's life, though full of frustrations, left her traces with poems; Fugui's life, full of vicissitudes, interpreted the meaning of living with tenacious vitality. Their stories made me understand that there is no absolute fairness in life, nor is there eternal smoothness. The important thing is that we should have the courage to face the challenges of life and the breadth of mind to accept the arrangements of fate.

"Nowhere from, Nowhere to." This seemingly profound statement seemed to become clear at this moment. We come from nothingness and eventually return to nothingness. The process in between is our life. During this journey of life, we will encounter all kinds of people and things, experience joys and sorrows, and have successes and failures. But in any case, we must not lose ourselves and forget our original intentions.

The scenery of the Wangjiang Tower remains the same, and the river is still flowing. And in this short stay, I gained a peace of mind and perception. When leaving, I looked back, and the ancient tower appeared more solemn and mysterious in the afterglow of the setting sun. I know that this visit will become a precious memory in my life, always reminding me to face the waves of life with a calm attitude and pursue the light in my heart with a firm belief.

When I set foot on the way back again, there was already a sense of calmness and composure in my heart. Life goes on and the road ahead is still long, but I believe that as long as there is light in the heart, there will be no fear. Nowhere from, Nowhere to.

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致妙清:心中的涅槃 致妙清:重生后的温暖与感恩


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