

02 07月
作者:妙清自牧|分类:生活|标签:生活 人生 工作
























This morning at five o'clock, I got up against the dawn and took the 120 car to go to a senior care home to serve. The fresh air in the early morning and the rising sun brought me endless peace and strength. During the day, I communicated with the elderly in the senior care home, listened to them tell the stories of their lives, and felt their wisdom and experience. When I returned home in the evening, I watched a video about the entire process of heart valve replacement surgery. This video made me couldn't help but recall last May when I underwent that five-and-a-half-hour-long surgery in the operating room of the Third People's Hospital in Chengdu. During that time, I was on the operating table and lost consciousness, but a deep memory and realization were left in my heart.

The journey of the heart

After the surgery, I felt a kind of reborn power. Just as it is said in the Heart Sutra: "See that all five aggregates are empty, and cross over all sufferings and miseries." After experiencing the test on the brink of life and death, I have a deeper understanding that a person's body is just a container, and what is truly important is the awakening and stability of the mind. The pain and impermanence of the body are unavoidable, but the liberation and peace of the mind are what we can pursue and obtain.

After the surgery, my understanding of life was rather shallow, and I was always troubled by trivial matters. The recovery period after the surgery gave me a lot of time to reflect and precipitate. Every deep breath and every quiet moment allowed me to feel the interweaving of the fragility and toughness of life. Every heartbeat made me feel the wonder and beauty of life. This feeling is impossible to be fully expressed in words, and can only be quietly experienced in the depths of the heart.

Observing oneself

At the beginning of the Heart Sutra, it is mentioned: "The Bodhisattva who observes oneself, when practicing the profound Prajñāpāramitā, sees that all five aggregates are empty, and crosses over all sufferings and miseries." During the recovery period after the surgery, I often reflect on this scripture. Observing oneself means being aware of and observing one's own inner self. In the face of illness and impermanence, I learned to pay better attention to my own inner self and listen to the voice from the deep inside. This observation allowed me to gradually get rid of the attachment to the pain of the body and find inner peace and freedom.

In the hospital during that time, I saw many patients like me who were struggling with the pain. We encouraged each other and shared our stories and feelings. In these communications, I learned how to observe myself more deeply, and how to find peace in the midst of suffering. Observing oneself is not only about observing oneself, but also about understanding and empathizing with the suffering of others. Through this empathy, I discovered more inner power and wisdom.

The wisdom of the Diamond Sutra

It is said in the Diamond Sutra: "Without abiding in anything, give rise to the mind." This sentence deeply inspired me. After experiencing heart valve replacement surgery, I deeply felt that many things in life are beyond our control. Just like the success or failure of the surgery and the impermanence of life and death, they are all beyond our knowledge and control. However, we can choose how to face these impermanences. Without abiding in the mind, it means not being attached to the changes and impermanences of the outside world, but rather maintaining inner peace and stability. Only in this way can we stand firm in the wind and rain and find peace in the midst of suffering.

During the recovery period after the surgery, I often read the Diamond Sutra, hoping to find more wisdom and strength from it. Every passage in the scripture is like a mirror, showing my inner attachments and fears. Under the guidance of the scripture, I learned how to let go of these attachments and how to find my own peace of mind in the impermanence. Without abiding in the mind does not mean giving up everything, but rather being able to maintain inner peace and firmness when facing everything. This change in mindset has made me become stronger and more powerful during the recovery process.

The wisdom of the Tao Te Ching

In the Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu said: "Those who know others are wise, and those who know themselves are discerning." This sentence has benefited me a lot during the recovery process after the surgery. Understanding others is important, but more importantly, it is to understand oneself. In the process of fighting against the pain, I learned to better understand my own body and mind. I realized that the true wisdom lies not only in the outside world's knowledge and experience, but more in the deep understanding and awakening of the self.

After the surgery, every night I would lie quietly in bed and review my day. Through this reflection, I gradually discovered my own power and weaknesses. Understanding oneself is not only about understanding one's physical condition, but also about understanding one's psychological state and emotional needs. Every reflection is a process of self-awakening. Through this awakening, I gradually found the meaning and direction of life.

The rebirth of the soul

After experiencing heart valve replacement surgery, I felt like I had undergone a spiritual rebirth. The physical pain has brought many inconveniences and pains, but it also made me re-examine the meaning and value of life. Just as it is said in the Heart Sutra: "Form is exactly the same as empty, and empty is exactly the same as form." The existence and disappearance of the body are just a part of life, and what is truly eternal is our mind and awakening.

With the company and support of friends, I gradually emerged from the shadow of the surgery. I understand that every experience in life is an opportunity for our growth and awakening. Whether it is pain or happiness, it is all a part of our spiritual practice. Just like what the Diamond Sutra teaches, we should give rise to the mind without abiding in anything, and not be shaken by the changes outside the world, and maintain inner peace and serenity.

During the recovery process after the surgery, I also read many books about life and health. These books not only gave me a lot of practical health knowledge, but also allowed me to have a deeper understanding of life. I understand that life is short and precious, and every healthy day is a kind of blessing. Through these books, I learned how to better take care of my body and how to maintain a healthy and positive mindset in daily life.


Through this heart valve replacement surgery, I have deeply realized the impermanence and vulnerability of life. At the same time, I also felt a kind of previously unknown power, which is the awakening and peace of the mind. No matter what challenges and difficulties I will encounter in the future, I believe that as long as I maintain inner peace and awakening, I can get through all the difficulties.

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