

16 06月
作者:妙清自牧|分类:生活|标签:生活 人生 工作

宝光寺的建筑规模宏大,布局严谨。进入寺内,首先映入眼帘的是一座气势恢宏的山门,山门殿为抬梁式木石构架的正方形建筑,堂高 6 米,宽 6 楹。穿过山门,便能看到天王殿,天王殿是抬梁式木石构架的正方形建筑,堂高 10 米,宽九楹,呈六方宫殿式,中供弥勒佛,两侧供四大天王,殿檐悬“一代禅宗”匾额。再往里走,便是舍利塔,此塔为密檐式十三级四面塔,高约 20 米,每级四面各嵌佛像三座。木石结构,塔底护以石,底层正面龛内塑释迦牟尼座像。

继续前行,便来到了七佛殿。七佛殿建于清咸丰十一年(1861 年),宽五间,深四间,单檐歇山式,殿前檐柱下有两个浮雕盘龙石础。佛龛前供 1.36 米汉白玉卧佛。七佛殿后面是大雄宝殿,大雄宝殿是木质结构,全殿用四十二根石柱支撑,殿中供奉释迦牟尼佛。

除了这些主要建筑外,宝光寺还有藏经楼、罗汉堂等众多殿堂。藏经楼为寺内最大重檐歇山式建筑,整个建筑由石柱与石磴互为连接,以木枋、木穿逗匀称串连以支撑屋面。基础以石开槽与石门坎紧锁,面层木板以阴阳相挂。殿内两壁,均以厚木板企口缝拼镶而成,黑色涂面,高约 6 米。殿内梁柱装饰华丽,雕刻精细,卷棚屋顶,涂黄红色。罗汉堂为抬梁式木石构架的正方形建筑,九进九楹,占地面积 1600 平方米。罗汉堂内有四个天井,平面呈“田”字形。






"Trip to Baoguang Temple"

On a quiet afternoon, I came to Baoguang Temple in Xindu District, which is 18 kilometers north of Chengdu. This ancient temple has brought me deep shock and perception.

The architectural scale of Baoguang Temple is grand and the layout is rigorous. Entering the temple, the first thing that catches the eye is a majestic mountain gate. The mountain gate hall is a square building with a timber and stone frame in a lifting beam style, with a hall height of 6 meters and a width of 6 bays. Through the mountain gate, you can see the Heavenly King Hall. The Heavenly King Hall is a square building with a timber and stone frame in a lifting beam style. The hall is 10 meters high and 9 bays wide, presenting a hexagonal palace style. In the middle, Maitreya Buddha is enshrined, and on both sides are the Four Heavenly Kings. The plaque of "Generation of Zen" hangs on the eave of the hall. Further inside, there is the Stupa of the Relics. This stupa is a thirteen-story four-sided stupa in a close-eaved style, about 20 meters high, with three Buddha statues embedded on each side of each level. It has a timber and stone structure. At the bottom of the stupa, there is a statue of Sakyamuni sitting in the niche of the front of the base.

Continuing forward, we come to the Seven-Buddha Hall. The Seven-Buddha Hall was built in 1861 (the eleventh year of Xianfeng in the Qing Dynasty), with a width of five rooms and a depth of four rooms, in a single-eaved rest mountain style. There are two embossed coiled dragon stone bases under the front eave columns of the hall. In front of the niche, a 1.36-meter white marble reclining Buddha is enshrined. Behind the Seven-Buddha Hall is the Great Buddha Hall. The Great Buddha Hall is a wooden structure, supported by forty-two stone pillars throughout the hall, with Sakyamuni Buddha enshrined in the hall.

In addition to these main buildings, Baoguang Temple also has many halls such as the Sutra Depositary Tower and the Hall of Arhats. The Sutra Depositary Tower is the largest double-eaved rest mountain-style building in the temple. The entire building is interconnected by stone pillars and stone steps, and the roof is supported by wooden purlins and studs evenly connected. The base is locked with stone slots and stone doorsteps, and the surface layer of the wood planks is hung with yin and yang. Both walls in the hall are made of thick wood planks spliced together with rabbet joints, with a black painted surface about 6 meters high. The beams and columns in the hall are elaborately decorated and exquisitely carved, and the roof is yellow and red. The Hall of Arhats is a square building with a timber and stone frame in a lifting beam style, with nine entrances and nine bays, covering an area of 1,600 square meters. There are four courtyards in the Hall of Arhats, with a planar shape like a "field" character.

The architectural style of Baoguang Temple is unique, integrating the essence of ancient Chinese architecture. Most of the buildings in the temple adopt a timber and stone structure, with carved beams and painted buildings, magnificent. Each hall has a unique architectural style and cultural connotation, making people feel the charm of ancient Chinese architecture and the profound heritage of Buddhist culture.

In Baoguang Temple, I felt a kind of tranquility and solemnity. The incense in the temple is strong, and believers are praying piously. I also silently made my wish in front of the Buddha statue in the temple. At this moment, I felt the peace and tranquility in my heart.

Last year, I had a heart valve surgery, and this surgery made me think deeper about life. In Baoguang Temple, I saw many believers praying piously. They may also have their own troubles and confusions. But at this moment, they all put down the troubles in their hearts and immersed themselves in the Buddhist world. I think this is the charm of Buddhism. It can let people find a quiet haven in the noisy world and purify and soothe people's souls.

I drew a lottery in the Hall of Arhats of Baoguang Temple, and it was written on it: "Seeing one mountain after another, the toil and travail of running around are all in vain. I advise you to focus on spring plowing and summer cultivation again, and don't waste your youthful years." Seeing this lottery text, I couldn't help but fall into deep thought. It seemed to tell me to let go of the obsession in my heart, especially all the rights and wrongs about Chen Chao, the director of the department in Qingyang District People's Hospital. Yes, there are too many obsessions and unnecessary disputes in life. We often struggle and worry about some unworthy things, but ignore the really important things. We should learn to let go, cherish the present moment, and focus our energy on more meaningful things.

When leaving Baoguang Temple, I carried a deeper understanding and thinking about life. I think we should cherish the present moment and grasp every moment well. At the same time, we should also learn to let go of the troubles and confusions in our hearts and let our souls be purified and soothed.

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致妙清:关于养老、陨石与人生的思考 梦境中的思考:家庭、社交与责任


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