

16 06月
作者:妙清自牧|分类:生活|标签:生活 工作 人生









"Thoughts on Elderly Care, Meteorites and Life"

Yesterday, I went to that place like a peaceful haven. There, I had a special encounter with an elderly director in a teahouse. We tasted cappuccino together, and he told me that his coffee beans were from Italy and tasted best when placed on the meteorite block he bought. This seemingly inadvertent scene triggered many profound thoughts in me.

This elderly director has an obvious love for meteorites. He has a unique affection for these mysterious rocks from the universe. Meteorites carry the mysteries of the universe and endless unknowns. They travel through the long span of time to reach the earth, as if it is a wonderful connection between the universe and us. And his obsession with meteorites may also be an expression of his exploration of the mysteries of life.

In the conversation, we naturally talked about life. I mentioned to him my heart valve disease, which extended our topic to the level of life and death. Facing the disease and the fragility and impermanence of life, I once had confusion and fear. However, in the communication with the elderly director, I seemed to find some comfort and inspiration.

There is a saying in the "Heart Sutra": "Form does not differ from emptiness; emptiness does not differ from form. Form is emptiness; emptiness is form." It reminds us that all things in the world have an illusory side, and we should not be overly attached to appearances. The ups and downs of life and the distress of diseases may also be an illusory existence to some extent. We should not be bound by these external circumstances but should learn to be detached and face it with a calm heart. Although the heart valve disease has brought discomfort to my body, it also makes me cherish every moment more and understand the preciousness of life more.

The "Diamond Sutra" also says: "All conditioned dharmas are like a dream, a bubble, a shadow, like dew and like lightning, and should be regarded thus." This makes me understand that all kinds of experiences in life, whether it is joy or pain, are all like short illusions. We cannot be frightened by life and death, but should pursue truly meaningful things in the limited life. The love of the elderly director for meteorites is precisely that he is pursuing what he deems meaningful in his heart.

That place like a peaceful haven is originally a place that carries the stories of the second half of life. Here, people experience the precipitation of years and think about the true meaning of life. And this conversation with the elderly director made me have a new perception of life. We should not just passively wait for the passage of life but should actively explore, discover, and create.

For life and death, we should have a sense of awe, but also have the courage to face it calmly. Diseases may weaken our bodies, but they cannot erase our spirits. We can be like meteorites, still emitting a unique glow even after going through countless hardships and traveling through the universe. When facing the issue of life and death, we should learn to accept the unchangeable facts and at the same time strive to make our lives bloom with the most beautiful brilliance.

Looking back on this experience in that place like a peaceful haven, that cup of cappuccino, that meteorite block, and that conversation about life will all become precious memories in my life. They make me more firmly believe that no matter what challenges we encounter in life, we have the ability to deal with them and the wisdom to comprehend. We should view the ups and downs of life with an open mind and pursue inner peace and liberation with a persistent belief.

In the days to come, I will move forward with these insights and strive to make my life more fulfilling and meaningful. I also hope that more people can gain inspiration from such thinking, cherish every moment of life, and embrace the various possibilities of life with a positive attitude. After all, although the journey of life is full of unknowns, it is precisely because of this that it is even more magnificent.

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致妙清:说说成都少城 致妙清:宝光寺游记


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  • 访客 于 2024-06-16 15:26:04  回复
  • 要是能配上图片就更好了
    • 访客 于 2024-06-16 15:27:59  回复
    • 重建后的彭州环境变好了,是个周末全家出游的好地方
  • 访客 于 2024-06-16 07:44:00  回复
  • 我这辈子没想过要活很久,只希望把我要养老的人养老,把我要养大的人养大,至于我就交给时间了
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