

23 09月
作者:妙清自牧|分类:生活|标签:生活 人生 工作 摄影




《A Spiritual Journey on the Cycling Road》

On September 23rd, under the beautiful sunshine, my fellow patient Tang Bo and I embarked on an electric bike trip to Jinhua Temple. However, on the return journey, we accidentally stumbled upon a peculiar path. This path, only 152 meters long, connects Jinfurong Avenue and Phoenix Mountain Viaduct.

Stepping onto this path, the initial feeling is its roughness. The wheels bump on the potholed ground, just like the various ups and downs we encounter in life. As it is said in the Heart Sutra, "Form does not differ from emptiness; emptiness does not differ from form. Form is exactly emptiness; emptiness is exactly form." This bumpy path seemingly poses a real challenge to our cycling, yet it also makes me realize that difficulties and setbacks in life are just like the roughness of this road surface, merely an appearance. They are not eternal and unchanging but can be transcended and resolved through our inner peace and wisdom.

In the middle of the journey, I can't help but think of the line, "After countless hardships and blows, it still stands firm. Let the winds from east, west, south, and north blow." Although this path is short, it is like a microcosm of life, full of all kinds of uncertainties and hardships. But we did not retreat. Just like the green bamboo standing firm in the wind, we rode forward resolutely. Every bump is a test of our will; every time we overcome a difficulty, it is a transcendence of ourselves. In this process, I seem to feel the kind of tenacious and fearless power conveyed in the Diamond Sutra, "All conditioned dharmas are like dreams, illusions, bubbles, and shadows, like dew and also like lightning. One should view them thus." What we have experienced on this bumpy road may seem so real and challenging at the moment, but from a longer perspective, they are just transient moments in the long river of life, as illusory as dreams, illusions, bubbles, and shadows.

When we finally drove out of this path and looked back at that 152-meter journey, a strange feeling welled up in my heart. Although it is only a short interlude in our cycling trip, it contains such profound life philosophies. It makes me understand that every experience in life, whether good or bad, is a precious treasure for our growth. Just like this cycling trip, while enjoying the beautiful scenery, we also harvested spiritual insights on this accidental path.

In the days to come, no matter what kind of road we encounter again, I will carry the strength and wisdom gained from this cycling trip and move forward resolutely. Because I know that every journey is a spiritual practice; every challenge is an opportunity for growth. And this 152-meter bumpy path will always stay deep in my memory and become a lighthouse shining with the light of wisdom on my life journey.

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致妙清:中秋当日的感悟 致妙清:感恩祖国,见证辉煌


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