

03 09月
作者:妙清自牧|分类:生活|标签:生活 人生 摄影 学习

时光荏苒,今天是我结婚七年的纪念日。回首 2017 年 9 月 3 日那个美好的日子,仿佛就在昨天,而如今,已携手走过了七个春秋。










"Seven Years of Marriage: Insights and Prospects"

Time flies. Today marks the seventh anniversary of my marriage. Looking back at the wonderful day on September 3, 2017, it feels like it was just yesterday, and now we have walked hand in hand through seven years.

The seven years of marital life have been a mixture of joys and sorrows, like a fluctuating movement of music. We have experienced the ups and downs of life together and tasted the bittersweetness of it. Especially from last year until now, first, my father-in-law passed away, and this sudden grief dealt a huge blow to our hearts. After his passing, my partner has been taking care of my mother-in-law for a long time and living with her. Only on weekends can my partner come back to be with me, cook together, and enjoy the brief but warm moments.

I also underwent heart valve replacement surgery. During that difficult time, it was love and companionship that helped me pull through. "For ten years the living and the dead are boundless and indistinct. Even if not thinking, not forgetting." The death of my father-in-law made me profoundly realize the impermanence of life. However, it was precisely in this grief that I cherished every moment with my family even more. My own surgery made me feel the fragility and strength of life. On the sickbed, the look in my partner's eyes, full of worry and care, was my motivation to persevere.

During these seven years, we have had quarrels and tears, but there have been more laughter and warmth. "In heaven let us be two birds flying ever together, and on earth two trees with branches interlocked forever." We once envisioned the future together and strived for common goals. Those ordinary days spent together, when recalled now, are all filled with warmth and sweetness.

"Form does not differ from emptiness; emptiness does not differ from form. That which is form is emptiness; that which is emptiness form." This sentence from the "Heart Sutra" makes me understand that the joys and sorrows in life are but passing clouds. We should not be overly obsessed with the current predicaments but should maintain a peaceful heart to face the various changes in life. Just like the difficulties we encountered in our marriage, although it felt extremely painful at that time, when we look back after going through that period, we will find that those were all experiences that made us grow and cherish each other more.

"All conditioned phenomena are like a dream, an illusion, a bubble, and a shadow. They are like dew and lightning, and should be regarded thus." The wisdom of the "Diamond Sutra" also makes me understand that everything in life is impermanent. We must learn to let go of our attachments and cherish the present. Although my partner lives with my mother-in-law, and I still feel pain in my heart, I also understand that it is her responsibility and obligation.

In the days to come, I hope we can continue to support each other and jointly face the challenges of life. No matter what difficulties we encounter, we can stay closely together and never part.

I look forward to having more time to travel together, to see the great mountains and rivers of our motherland, and to experience different local customs and cultures. I hope we can cultivate more hobbies together to make life full of fun.

The road ahead is still long, and there may still be storms, but I firmly believe that as long as our hearts are joined, nothing can stop us from moving forward. "I wish to have the one hearted person until old age, never parting." At this juncture of seven years, I am grateful for my partner's companionship and dedication, and I also look forward to many more seven years in the future, filled with love and hope, and eternal happiness.

Let's move forward hand in hand, greeting every sunrise and sunset in the future, and let our love become stronger and shine brighter through the tests of time.

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致妙清:四十岁的人生感悟 致妙清:生日的温暖与感悟


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