

22 08月
作者:妙清自牧|分类:工作|标签:生活 人生 工作







"Reflections on My Birthday: The Warmth of Time and the Spiritual Journey"

On this ordinary yet special day, when my colleagues in the office presented me with a carefully prepared cake and side dishes to celebrate my birthday in advance, the tender corner of my heart was deeply touched. This heartwarming scene was like the warm sunlight penetrating through layers of haze, allowing me to feel the purest and most sincere warmth and care in this bustling world.

Ever since the surgery last year, life seemed to have hit the slow-motion button, and every step was taken with caution. This year, there were grudges, calculations, laughter, and sadness, just like the changing of seasons, and the waxing and waning of the moon. However, at this moment, the care from my colleagues made me find the most pure and genuine warmth among this intricate web of emotions.

The Diamond Sutra says, "All conditioned dharmas are like a dream, an illusion, a bubble, a shadow, like dew or like lightning. One should view them thus." All kinds of experiences in life, whether it's joy or pain, glory or setback, are as illusory and insubstantial as a dream or a bubble. The grudges and calculations of the past now seem so insignificant. Those disputes over trivial matters and those calculations for personal interests seem so petty at this warm moment. When we are overly obsessed with the gains and losses in front of us, we will fall into endless annoyance and suffering. Only by letting go of our attachments and viewing everything in the world with a forgiving and peaceful heart can we maintain inner peace and composure in this ever-changing life.

"Wherever life takes us, we know not what it's like. It should be like a wild goose touching the snow, leaving no trace." Su Shi's verse appropriately portrays the impermanence and brevity of life. We are like wild geese, leaving a few marks in this vast world but vanishing in an instant. The experiences of this year, whether it's laughter or sadness, have all become a part of life's memories. And those people and things that once caused me endless worry have also become like footprints in the snow, gradually covered by new snowflakes as time passes. We cannot always linger in the shadows of the past but must bravely move forward to pursue the sunshine and warmth that belong to us.

During this year's ups and downs, I have also deeply appreciated the preciousness of laughter. Every happy moment shared with colleagues, every sincere smile, was like a brilliant star, lighting up my path forward. "Let's try the new tea with a new fire. Let's enjoy poetry and wine while we're young." We should cherish the beautiful moments of the present, greet every challenge in life with a positive and optimistic attitude, and let laughter become the main theme of life. At the same time, we must also learn to draw strength from sadness and firm our beliefs in setbacks. Just as Tagore said, "Only by experiencing the torture of hell can one acquire the power to create heaven. Only by bleeding fingers can one play the ultimate melody of the world."

Looking back on this year, I want to thank those colleagues who have been by my side. It was they who extended a helping hand when I needed it the most. It was they who gave me encouragement when I was lost and confused. It was they who, with sincere smiles and warm care, allowed me to regain the courage and confidence to live. In the days to come, I am willing to move forward hand in hand with them and jointly write our wonderful chapters.

Finally, I would like to end this reflection with a sentence from the Heart Sutra: "With no hindrances in the mind, no fears exist. Far apart from all deluded views, one ultimately attains Nirvana." May we all have a pure and untainted heart, not be confused by the distractions of the outside world, not be bound by the fears within, and shine our own light in this world full of love and warmth.

浏览77 评论3
人性的思考:在工作风波中探寻真谛 致妙清:新角色到来的思考与应对


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  • 访客 于 2024-08-22 20:53:43  回复
  • 40岁,大龄青年,生日快乐,永远拥有积极向上的心态。
  • 访客 于 2024-08-22 20:11:00  回复
  • 人的一生有许多回忆,岁月无情但愿岁月静好
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