

28 07月
作者:妙清自牧|分类:生活|标签:生活 人生 工作


"On the Insight from Teabuddies to Culture"

This afternoon, I originally discussed the matter of the gathering with my classmate, but due to something going on at my classmate's home, it was rescheduled. Fortunately, I went to Baihua Tan Park to drink tea and accidentally met a teabuddy, and we had a pleasant conversation.

During this time, we talked about a TikTok fan who opened a plain pepper and soy sauce noodles shop on Yinsha Street. With interest rising, I then invited the teabuddy to go and taste it together.

After meeting this fan, the topic unconsciously turned to the old culture of Chengdu. From his mouth, I learned that he lived at the entrance of Xicaotian Street and was also a resident of our community. For some reason, a kind of intimate feeling arose spontaneously, perhaps this is the charm of the Shaocheng culture.

In this process, I couldn't help but think of the phrase "Form is not different from emptiness, and emptiness is not different from form. Form itself is emptiness, and emptiness itself is form" in the Heart Sutra. This sentence made me realize that the appearance and essence of things are not mutually separated, they are mutually dependent and transformable. Just like this encounter with the teabuddy and fan, it seems accidental, but it actually contains some kind of inevitability.

And the emphasis on "no form" and "no self" in the Diamond Sutra also gave me a deeper understanding of this experience. In the communication with them, I no longer persist in my own point of view and idea, but listen and understand with an open mind.

The Shaocheng culture has a long history, and it is reflected in many aspects. For example, the simple and elegant Kuanzhai Alleys retain the former style, and tourists shuttling through it seem to travel back to the past. There is also the teahouse filled with the atmosphere of life, where people enjoy the leisure time by drinking tea, chatting, and listening to storytellers. Furthermore, the traditional Sichuan cuisine is also a major feature of the Shaocheng culture, with its unique taste and cooking methods, making people have a long aftertaste.

Through the communication with this fan, I seemed to touch the pulse of the Shaocheng culture and felt its warmth and power.

In this fast-paced era, we often get lost in the pursuit of material things and neglect the connotation of culture.

However, this encounter with the teabuddy and fan made me re-examine my understanding of culture.

Culture is not only the accumulation of history, but also a kind of attitude and value towards life.

It can allow us to find a sense of belonging in the complicated world and build a deep emotional bond with others.

Finally, I would like to say that whether it is the Heart Sutra or the Diamond Sutra, they are the crystallization of human wisdom.

The philosophies and wisdom contained in them can bring inspiration and guidance to our lives.

And the Shaocheng culture, as a unique regional culture, is also worthy of our inheritance and promotion.

Let us feel the charm of culture with our hearts in life and inherit the spirit of culture with our actions.

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