

12 06月
作者:妙清自牧|分类:工作|标签:生活 人生 工作












On the stage of life, each of us is performing our own stories. Sometimes, we look forward to the arrival of good things, just like expecting the moon to arrive as promised at night. However, just as the lyrics sing, "If the moon doesn't come", life doesn't always go as we wish.

For more than a month myself, I often follow my colleagues to the nearby nursing homes to serve the elderly. There, I witnessed a lot of the hardships of life. The old people are mostly physically weak, and some even lose their ability to move and need the care of others. Many of them spend every day alone, looking forward to someone coming to accompany them and give them warmth.

This makes me deeply feel the difficulty of life. These elderly people once were young and made contributions to the society, but now they have become fragile and helpless under the erosion of time. Their stories let me understand that the difficulties and setbacks in life are not only limited to the material aspect, but also include the loneliness and loneliness on the spiritual level.

The difficulty of life often emerges unexpectedly. It could be a sudden illness that plunges us into pain and anxiety; it could be a broken relationship that makes us feel heartbroken and helpless; it could also be setbacks in our career that makes us lose our direction and feel confused.

When the moon doesn't come, we truly feel the reality and cruelty of life. We strive hard, but may not get the desired results; we give our sincere hearts, but may encounter betrayal and harm. Just like an old man I met in the nursing home, his children have little time to visit him because of work and family reasons. Although he puts on a forced smile on the surface, the loneliness and disappointment in his eyes make people can't help but be moved.

However, even though life is so difficult, we still have to move forward firmly. Because it is in the face of difficulties and setbacks that we can truly grow and become strong.

When the moon doesn't come, we must learn to accept the reality, not complain, not be discouraged. We must understand that the setbacks and difficulties in life are inevitable, and they are the grinding and valuable experience of life. My experience in the nursing home has taught me to cherish the people around me and cherish the time spent with them.

We also need to learn to adjust our mindset and cherish everything around us. Maybe we don't have abundant material conditions, but we have the care of our family and the support of friends. These warm emotions are the motivation for us to persevere in difficult times.

The difficulty of life makes us more grateful. We are grateful for every morning's sunshine, every warm meal, and every person who is by our side. In the nursing home, the gratitude shown by the elderly towards our arrival makes me deeply appreciate the power of gratitude.

In the difficult life, we must also maintain the pursuit of our dreams. Even if the moon doesn't come, we still need to firmly believe that the stars will shine. Just like me and my colleagues going to the nursing home to serve the elderly, although this is just a small action, it has brought warmth and happiness to the elderly.

Finally, let us face the difficulty of life with a positive attitude. No matter what kind of difficulties and setbacks we encounter, we must firmly believe that as long as we persevere and work hard, we will always welcome our own bright light.

Life is not easy, but we can still move forward with a smile. Let us cherish every moment, feel the beauty of life with our hearts, and let life bloom a splendid brilliance in the difficulty.

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致妙清:端午佳节,感悟人生 致妙清:说说成都少城


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  • 访客 于 2024-06-12 14:43:10  回复
  • 我们无法左右的东西太多了,握不住的东西和留不住的人也太多了,发生的一切固然有它的道理,尽心尽力后,顺其自然就好了,所以就不要把时间浪费在尚未发生,且没有必要的人和事上,更不要在焦虑和烦恼中度过。
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