

06 06月
作者:妙清自牧|分类:生活|标签:生活 人生









In this ordinary small city, there is an extraordinary photo. In the photo are a kind grandpa and a friendly grandma, as well as the lovely stray cat they raised, whose name is Xiaoju.

Xiaoju once wandered around the street, had no fixed abode, and lived a life of exposure to the wind and rain. Its thin body shivered in the cold wind, and its eyes were filled with helplessness and confusion.

Until one day, grandpa and grandma found it. Without any hesitation, they decided to give this poor little cat a warm home. As the Heart Sutra says, "With no attachments, there is no fear." Their hearts have no slightest concern or worry, only full care for Xiaoju.

Since then, Xiaoju has had a warm nest and can enjoy delicious food every day. Grandpa and grandma take good care of it like taking care of their own child. It also became good friends with another stray cat, Xiaobai, and they often play and frolic together.

Once, Xiaoju was sick and didn't eat or drink. Grandpa and grandma were very anxious, and quickly took it to see the vet. They accompanied Xiaoju in the hospital, and gave it encouragement. Just like what is said in the Diamond Sutra, "With no dwelling and arising of mind." Their concern is pure and selfless, without any utilitarian thoughts.

Under the careful care of grandpa and grandma, Xiaoju quickly recovered and became more lively and lovely, and the relationship with Xiaobai became better and better.

Xiaoju and Xiaobai especially like to bask in the sun on the balcony, lying lazily and enjoying the warm sunshine. Whenever grandpa and grandma see this scene, they can't help but laugh.

The story behind this photo makes me deeply realize the importance of caring for stray animals. Just like grandpa and grandma, each of us can use our own strength to bring hope and warmth to those homeless little lives.

Let's start with the little things around us, such as placing some food and water downstairs to provide a temporary shelter for stray cats; or promote the importance of caring for stray animals on social media to allow more people to join this ranks.

Caring for stray cats is not only a manifestation of love, but also a respect for life. Xiaoju and Xiaobai are lucky because they met grandpa and grandma. And we can also be the "grandpa and grandma" of other stray animals, and warm their world with love.

May all stray animals be like Xiaoju and Xiaobai, find their own homes, and live a happy life.

浏览135 评论1
梦境与心境:从心经和金刚经看婚姻的启示 致妙清:粽香情长,意义非凡


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  • 访客 于 2024-06-06 20:23:22  回复
  • 和异性相处,简直像养猫,你不可以太热情,也不可以太冷感,又像搭起一座骨牌城堡,小心翼翼不让它塌陷,人与人相处亦是如此,在意犹未尽时暂停,在他开始想念时再开启,这样最为恰当
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