

12 05月
作者:妙清自牧|分类:生活|标签:生活 人生 摄影






Recently, I watched a thought-provoking movie - "Homeward Journey of Thousands of Miles", and Zhang Yi's wonderful performance made me seem to be in the tense situation of evacuating the overseas Chinese.

This movie tells a thrilling story of evacuating the overseas Chinese. Through the movie, I deeply felt the terror of the war. The pictures of smoke filled with smoke and the sound of gunfire made people's hearts palpitate, and the damage and pain brought about by the war was unimaginable. This makes me cherish the peaceful and peaceful life even more, and the meaning of peace at that moment becomes extremely precious.

At the same time, the movie also allows me to have a deeper understanding of the hard work of diplomats abroad. They are in a foreign land and face various difficulties and dangers, but they always adhere to their duties and do their best to protect the lives and safety of their compatriots. Their courage, wisdom, and sense of responsibility are admirable.

At the end of the movie, there is a scene that particularly moves me: Zhang Yi and the rebel army played a game of gambling with a pistol for their lives. In this game of gambling with their lives, Zhang Yi showed tremendous courage and firm belief. This scene made me feel his respect for life and his persistence in justice.

The plots in the movie made me couldn't help thinking: How lucky we are to live in a peaceful country. And this luck is earned by countless people's silent efforts. We should be grateful for their dedication, and at the same time, we must also strive to maintain this hard-won peace.

"Homeward Journey of Thousands of Miles" is not just a movie, but also a profound discussion on humanity, war, and peace. It makes us understand how precious peace is, and each of us has the responsibility to contribute to the maintenance of peace.

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致妙清:或许它也有心事 致妙清:生命的可贵与梦想的追逐——纪念心脏瓣膜术后一周年


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