

09 05月
作者:妙清自牧|分类:生活|标签:生活 工作 人生








Today is May 9th, and yesterday, May 8th, marked the first anniversary of my father-in-law's passing. Last year on that day, he suddenly suffered a heart attack and passed away in the kitchen of his home. Due to his departure, I was involved in the complicated affairs of the funeral and subsequently underwent heart valve surgery.

However, it was this experience that gave me a deeper thinking and perception of life. The passing of my father-in-law made me realize the fragility and impermanence of life. We always think that there is still plenty of time and a long future, but often neglect the vulnerability of life. A seemingly healthy person can leave us in an instant.

Due to excessive fatigue and psychological stress, my body also had problems, and I needed to undergo heart valve surgery. This made me more deeply realize the importance of good health. We often busy ourselves with work and life, but forget to take care of our own bodies. This surgery made me understand that without good health, everything will be out of the question.

After experiencing all this, I have learned to cherish the people around me more. Family and friends are the most precious treasures in our lives, and we should always care about them and accompany them, and not wait until we lose them to know how to cherish.

I also have a better understanding of gratitude. Be grateful for every beautiful moment in life and for everything we have. Whether it is health, family affection, friendship, or ordinary daily life, it is worth our careful feeling and cherishing.

The passing of my father-in-law was a major turning point in my life, which made me re-examine my life and values. I understand the preciousness and brevity of life, and also understand the importance of cherishing and being grateful. I will face life with a more positive attitude, care about my family, pay attention to my own health, and make every day fulfilling and meaningful.

Finally, I would like to say to my father-in-law: Although you have left, your love and care will always remain in our hearts. We will continue to work hard to make life better.

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致妙清:潦草的五一 512到了,祝所有护士、母亲节日快乐


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