我有一个故事,故事发生在很久以前,那时有一个农夫他很老实 ,也很干练,就是情商低,不会阿谀奉承。于是他被父亲带进了曾经工作的药铺,经过药铺前辈的说教,成为一位不出名的半医者。十年后,药铺发生了变化。父亲回老家养老,教他的前辈去了县城。只留下他和一些年轻人。因为父亲 和前辈的离开,使这位农夫明白当年前辈的训斥是为了提升他的能力和处事之道。于是,偶尔他抽时间去看看前辈,前辈告诉他:“其实不要高估自己在别人心里的位置,你就会快乐。” 农夫听了很高兴,因为在他们离开后,农夫产生了很多与人的执念。农夫认为自己努力工作,为什么药铺老板都不给予任何奖励,反而给了看似花言巧语的同事,甚至还给了他一个班长来管理。正因这样,农夫懊悔,但前辈的这句话提醒他,这一切都是虚无。都是摸不到 看不到的,无需在去执着。后来农夫明白了,回去发愤图强,尝遍百草,成为县城里最有名气的中药神医。
i want tell a story to you . long time ago , there is a farmer. he live in away from the city's rural areas. He is an honest man, strong man, but he is not a wise leader. after, his father arranged him join to his father's hospital to become an IT guy. during work, A predecessor help him to become an IT engineer. after 10 years, his father was retired. and that predecessor went to other hospital from the hospital. there are only him and some youngers. because of a younger. his name is chen chao. he from A BA. He is a man of Qiang nationality. He is also a stubborn, headstrong, arrogant unreasonable man. one day, he got a manager of IT department. in the department, there are only two people. after, the farmer start hated him. one day, farmer driving to his predecessor's hospital to meet. during lunch, predecessor teachs one sentence to him. "To regret one’s errors to the point of not repeating them is true repentance. There is nothing noble in being superior to some other man. The true nobility is in being superior to your previous self." after that farmer listen to it , suddenly he understand it. If you carry your childhood with you, you never become older. after two years, He became a senior engineer.
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