今天我不知道为什么来到昔日遇到困惑时来的地方。其实这里并不大,也没有那么想象的安静。但它却吸引了我来到这里。点上一杯抹茶打奶,脱下大衣,打开我的超极本,静静地听着熟悉的旋律。其实生活就是这么普通,没什么好奢华的。因为越是简单的东西,越才是真实的。当我再次在这里坐下,虽然已没有往日激情,但却有另一种感觉。三十而立,四十而不惑,五十而知天命,六十而耳顺,七十从心所欲而不逾矩。看来我已经走到了三十而立了,后面还有一大段路。我不知道我到底将会发什么困难。但我相信自己一定能克服。九月三日已经让我进入而立之年,十九大也要快过去,我相信2035年那年,我会看到一个崭新的国度,一个崭新的自己。我期盼2035年我们所有人看病都没有困难,每一个家庭都可以常回家体会家的温暖,不再有争名夺利之心,只为对得起自己敬业的岗位。在此,我首先谢谢生养我的父母,其二感谢我妻子的父母,因为他们养育了一个好媳妇。最后也要谢谢我挚爱的妻子,是她的包容,谅解才让我体会到家的可贵。谢谢你们,让我更深刻的明白一句婚礼当天的誓言:生活就像一颗巧克力,你永远不知道将要发生什么?只有抛下一切,像阿甘一样,忘掉经历过的烦恼,继续向前去活在当下,才能明白原来生活就是一个字“命”。 一切有为法,如梦幻泡影,如露亦如电应作如是观。
Since we were born, we are meant to face the stage of study and work until we retire, which seems everybody does the same thing in their life. They start to wonder about the meaning of life. In my opinion, the meaning of life lies in study and finding the right place.
Study comes first for human being. Since we learn the knowledge, we get to know about the world. The more we learn, the more we want to search for the unknown knowledge. The world is beautiful because of diversity, and there are so many amazing scenery waiting for us to discover. At the process of searching the knowledge, we also become mature and have our own thinking.
Finding the place in the world is the basic task for us. The purpose of knowledge is to master some skills, so as to get accustomed to the world and know what we want to do and what we can bring to the world. The value we create can bring happiness to people we love and make a contribution to the world.
Life is short, but we keep searching all the time.
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