

21 08月

2016年8月21日   星期天   晴 

今天我不知道为什么突然又想写东西了,我胡自牧已经在这个中国成都生活了32年,在青羊区人民医院工作10年。虽然说不上人精,但对着环境也算是熟悉的过客。途中我经历32年人生的挫折与坎坷。说不上什么大起大落。就是些小打小闹。最近几年中,特别是有英孚这个平台,让我真正明白什么是爱。爱就是包容,就是理解对方。昨天我参加了相识十年老师的告别会,同时那天也是父亲的退休晚宴。虽然我并未参加他的退休晚宴。但是在告别会上,我清晰地认识到了那个从古至今的词——沧海桑田。一切最终的统治者都是时间这个伟大的领袖。1分钟有60秒,1小时有60分,一天有24小时,1年有365天。我们每一个人都逃不过时间的束缚。都有离开的一天,这就是沧海桑田。我不知我还能在此与Tommy相见?我也不知父亲退休后将要发生什么?但时间告诉我曾经的一切已经过去,留下的只有回忆。在此,我需要感谢那些在青羊区人民医院伤害或帮助我的所有人。因为你们让我看到今天胡自牧能继续在医院工作,那是上苍的缘分。因为这份缘,我们走到一起。共同书写着青羊区新华少城社区卫生服务中心这一传奇。传奇,我为什么用传奇二字。大家应该扪心顾问我们不就是不断地在书写一部不可完成的事业吗?——公共卫生服务。所以我要感谢你们,但也要感谢英孚的这帮朋友。因为你们,我的生活不再孤单,我的人生多了很多精彩。 最终时间告诉了我,这一切其实已经变为沧海桑田。各位朋友,我真的不知道什么时候我会消失,但我只知道不管它什么时候到来,我要做的只是一件事:工作是为医院的病人处理每一个报销问题,让每一个病人能少走冤枉路。而生活方面则是爱自己,也爱身边每一个人。 享受生命最美好的每一天,活在当下,活得轻松。

  yesterday was Tommy's farewell. it was also my father's retirement day. i don't join my father's farewell. but i joined Tommy's farewell at night. it let me know that the only conquests which are permanent and leave no regrets are our conquest over ourselves.I guess it comes down to a simple choice:get busy living or get busy dying. You know some birds are not meant to be caged, their feathers are just too bright. First I hate them, then I get used to them. Enough time passes, gets so I depend on them. That's institutionalized. Fear can hold my prisoner,hope can set my free. howard, i come from Si chuan China. I've been live in chengdu for 32 years. I graduated from college with a background in information technology. Now, i've been  working at hospital for 10 years. I've learned English in EF center since 2013 . This month, i've graduated from EF center. Remember 2013 to 2016,here is something inside ,that they can't get to , that they can't touch. That's a exprience of happness. I love them . my EF friends ( Stephen He, David tan , Lisa , Breezy , Mike ,Lydia , Harry ,eleven, Jo,施政刚, Alen and Tommy ). I love you , my friends ! in my heart , I turst that you are best friend forever. I've had some long nights in stir. Alone in the dark with nothing but your thoughts . Time can draw out like a blade. That was the longest night of my life. Old life blown away in the blink of an eye,nothing left but all the time in the world to think about it. 

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佛周记:howard的结业感悟 佛周记:A farewell in EF


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