佛周记:Romantic Night with my classmate
2013年2月14日 星期五 阴 情人节
Valentine's Day is associated with romantic love, it's a fairtale . Can you feel this magic in the air ? If you were too busy to meet your special someone prior to this moment, re-schedule a Romantic Night of your time with life club to experience this romantic month,to let love come into your life.
以上这句是我今天的主题(Romantic Night)。白天我忙碌了一天,晚上正逢是元宵节也是一年一度的情人节。我又一次来到这里,来到半年前我开始的地方。一样的地方,可不一样的人。今天的我已经是一个正在从elementary到Intermediate过渡的学生了。此时此刻,我又一次回想起去年刚进入EF时的样子,又一次回想起那时使用最多的介绍短句:
My name is howard . I'm 29 years old. I'm from sichuan China. I live in Chengdu city . I work for XinHua shaocheng community health service center. I'm net work engineer. My father is doctor. My mother is worker . I like take photo and go swimming. I can drive and cookie. I get up at 6 o'clock in the morning.
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